Frequently Asked Questions

I'm having trouble with my app! What do I do?
Check out the QuickTrade Troubleshooting page available here.

Who made QuickTrade?
QuickTrade has been developed by QuickBid, LLC owner and ORD CRJ Captain Mike Halliday-Williams. He has been employed by American Eagle/Envoy Air since 2008 and is also the developer for QuickBid, a web-based line sorting program for the pilots at Envoy.

Are QuickBid and QuickTrade related?
They are separate systems and do not rely on each another to function. They are related visually, and in that they are both products designed to be easy to use and to improve the lives of flight crews.

Do I need to use QuickBid to use QuickTrade, or vice versa?
No, they are separate systems. You can use one or the other, or both!

How does QuickTrade work?
The QuickTrade server is able to keep track of the open time in DECS. It keeps a database of available time, which it can use to generate alerts and quickly update the app. Users can then use their app to log in to the company system and perform whatever trade or pickup they want.

How long did it take to make it?
Development of QuickTrade has been going on since November of 2014 and will probably continue into 2016. You can expect some new features to come out over time!

What language is it written in?
The iOS app is written in Objective-C. The server-side work is done in PHP.

When can we look forward to QuickTrade on Android/Windows/Blackberry?
If the iOS version is wildly successful we might be able to contract out development to an android developer, however our best guess at this time would be a timeframe from another year to never.

Can I advertise with QuickBid/QuickTrade?
You may create a banner advertisement to be shown on the QuickBid website, but there are no advertisements on the QuickTrade app or website. No 3rd party advertisements will be sent over email to QuickBid/QuickTrade users, nor will the email list be distributed.